Donner pour aider: an innate gesture for the founder of the organization

Doulien Fondateur Donner pour aider
Doulien Tumba Wetshonga

The name of the organization, Donner pour aider, could not have been better chosen. This action is an innate gesture for the founder of the organization, Doulien Tumba Wetshonga .
Of African origin, Doulien experienced misery and suffering during his childhood. Thanks to his determination and prayers, he experienced a happy outcome as soon as he arrived in Canada. That was in 2003. Since that day, the president of Donner pour aider fulfills a promise.
“I am returning to people experiencing homelessness. If I give to the poor, it is to God that I give”, he underlines.

Housing and food for homeless people

Doulien’s first donations date back to 2004. The man of faith housed homeless people in his home, and distributed sandwiches to the poor at metro stations in Montreal. Subsequently, he swapped his backpack, full of food, for a van. In 2006, the Donner pour aider organization was born. For several years, Doulien went to meet people experiencing homelessness and showed self-sacrifice. As of 2018, Donner pour aider’s contact information is on the federal government’s Charities List. Chart and registration… it’s all there.
Donner pour aider supports homeless men and women in Montreal.