Give… to help

Donner pour aider gives back to the community. This gift of self manifests itself in many ways.

Donation of clothes and food

The Donner pour aider team meets homeless people and those in need every other Saturday, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. On top of exchanging with them, the organization donates clothes and food. The organization’s meeting point: Parc Émilie-Gamelin, in Montreal. On site, volunteers, “comfort soldiers”, as the president of the organization, Doulien Tumba Wetshonga, likes to call them, are sometimes busy preparing and serving cooked meals, and other times welcoming homeless people and those in need.

Special events

A few times during the year, the Donner pour aider’s team invites homeless people to unifying and festive events. This is the case of a barbecue, a corn roast. The major annual holidays, including Christmas, are also highlighted.